Alice Neel: From Personal Struggle To Artistic Absolution

Alice Neel: From Personal Struggle To Artistic Absolution

As I continue to delve into the themes of motherhood, relationships, loss, and second chances, I became intrigued by Alice Neel’s story. Her experiences resonate with the struggle faced by daughters of women who feel confined by their circumstances. As women, we often emulate what we saw our mothers do or strive for the independence they were unable to attain. Ironically, even if we succeed in breaking free from financial constraints, we may still struggle with unspoken emotions of grief and loss.

Formerly Incarcerated Mothers Gain A Second Chance At Life With Avenues For Justice

Formerly Incarcerated Mothers Gain A Second Chance At Life With Avenues For Justice

Celebrating Mother’s Day can mean different things to different people. If you’ve never been a mother, if you’ve lost your mother, or you’re reparenting yourself, or if you’re not close with your mother at all — you may have mixed emotions about how to celebrate it. But what if that’s not your story? A few days before the holiday, I sat around my dining room table with some friends, and we were immersed in the topic of mother-daughter relationships, and it wasn’t all good. for a young woman facing incarceration who has never been mothered herself, where can she turn for help? Is incarceration the only answer?

African American Artist Bisa Butler Delicately Interweaves The African and American Story With Her Unique Quilt Designs

African American Artist Bisa Butler Delicately Interweaves The African and American Story With Her Unique Quilt Designs

To experience a Bisa Butler exhibition is to encounter the collective memory of a community interwoven with vibrantly hued threads. It is a reminder that the stories we choose to narrate, and the voices we amplify, shape our understanding of history. As we continue to reassess and reinterpret these moments in time Butler’s work provides an invaluable perspective, and a testament to the African American journey and contribution to the American tapestry.


Please see the themes that we have selected for 2023–24. Download the PDF and submit your abstract on our contact page.