This Autism Acceptance Month is a great opportunity to explore the concepts of nature, spirituality, color, and even how to think about dis-ability in our society. The latter is a personal quest of mine. I have been giving great consideration to what it means to be “normal” or even to be “marginalized,” and what will the womb-men of the world do to raise their voices in humanity’s defense. How will visual culture, art, and text, shape the rhetoric of tomorrow?
Sacred Clay: The History of Ancient Clay And Celebrating the Artistry of Margaret Tafoya, Keeper of Pueblo Culture
I fell in love while taking a ceramics class at a local community college. I immediately felt the power of working with clay and connected with its ability to bring out a deep understanding of the stories and history that had been imprinted on it over time.
Feminist Art vs. Women’s Art: What Is The Difference?
The evolution of Women’s art over time is a reflection of the shifting roles and perceptions of women in society. From the early days when women artists were often overshadowed by their male counterparts, Women’s art has grown to become a vital part of the art world.
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Please see the themes that we have selected for 2023–24. Download the PDF and submit your abstract on our contact page.