I’m not sure if you’ve noticed it where you are but the moon has been so iradescent and beautiful in my part of the world. Late at night I’ve gone snuck out back to watch the clouds glide across the midnight blue sky and count the stars. When I was child we would...
A Dream Deferred But Undeterred: The Remarkable Art of Gwendolyn Knight
Gwendolyn Knight was an American painter who painted her entire life, but did not come into her own as an artist until the late 1970s and didn’t have her first retrospective until the age of 90.
From Notes To Noteworthy: These Note-Taking Apps Will Transform Your Grad School Experience And Keep You Ahead
If there is one thing that I know for sure, staying organized in graduate school can be a challenging. Especially for future art historians and curators, where the need for impeccable citations and copious note-taking are often par for the course. Thankfully, these applications are steadily evolving in terms of features somehow delivering a futuristic appeal with the traditional feel.
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