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Thank you for for making the Women’s Caucus for Art (WCA) part of your legacy. It is an enduring way to share your concern for the mission of the Women’s Caucus for Art to create community through art, education, and social activism.

We would love to the opportunity to recognize your generosity and honor your gift.
Kindly complete and return the form to Karin Luner, Director of Operations

Details of your plans will be kept confidential, and will enable us to recognize your generosity in a manner that meets your needs and expectations.


Name of Legacy Donor
My gift to the Women’s Caucus for Art is:
Describe the gift item

When wording your gift in your will, please use our full legal name and our EIN number as:

Women’s Caucus for Art
PO Box 1498, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013

EIN # 51-0162358